Monday, November 08, 2004

Moral Values & War: Color Ameirca Blond

Houston Chronicle
Letters to the Editor
November 8, 2004

Moral values and war: Color America blond!

I’m 65 years old now and I have never seen America in a war less justified, morally speaking. In spite of that, a huge number of voters told pollsters they voted for George Bush because of their "moral values." The first principle in most moral values is "Thou shalt not kill." Could those who voted for Bush be so preoccupied with gay marriage precisely because they want to distract the public from the immorality of their war--War hawks shamelessly claiming the moral high ground? Me thinks they do protest too much. Unfortunately, they got the country debating the morality of gay marriage when we should have been debating the morality of war. Color America not red and blue but blond.

Tim Campbell
208 Caylor Street
Houston TX 77011
832 282-9104

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