Saturday, November 22, 2014


The Larousse Dictionary defines force majeure as
  • (Cas de) force majeure, 

    événement d'origine externe, imprévisible, et qui met le débiteur dans l'impossibilité absolue d'exécuter (le cas de force majeure libère le débiteur et l'exonère de toute responsabilité) ; fait inattendu qui, aux termes d'une charte-partie, dégage le transporteur de sa responsabilité, s'il était imprévisible et insurmontable

The bright yellow is their color, so I guess this new film has earned them millions of hits.

This film is an incredibly cogent examination of gender roles, families, civilization, affluence and basic human instincts.  It's two hours of intense drama that pass very, very quickly.  

Do not miss this film!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

GLC VOICE back issues now available on line at link below

When you get to this page, you will see an icon toward the top left of your screen which lets you choose the order in which to SORT BY>

Click on that icon and from the drop-down menu choose BYORDER OF CREATION to see the issues in chronological order.

The issues start with POSITIVELY GAY issues June 1979 and continue through the last issue of the GLC VOICE.  Tim Campbell was the Editor of most of the issues of PG and was given the paper in lieu of back salary.  Bruce Brockway, publisher of PG wanted the option of using the name Positively Gay for some other enterprize in the future.

Thanks for visiting this site and the other.

Sept 3, 2014 Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip  facebook/PearsComic

Monday, May 19, 2014


6741 pageviews to this site as of 5-19-2014

Four events have marked my life as a gay man
like earth quakes.

1. In 1962 Uncle Sam considered drafting me during the years following the Korean conflict but he thought he needed to know whether I had "homosexual tendencies."  I told him and have never hid it since.

2. In 1970 Jack Baker and Mike McConnell got married in Minnesota where I was teaching French as an Instructor and pretending to write my doctoral dissertation.  This led me to become a gay activist.

3.  Monica Lewinsky told the world she gave Bill Clinton a blow job in the White House (East Wing, I think.)  This  liberated the world in its attitudes towards oral sex, previously thought to be the evil of deviate gay men. This caused me to opine rather personally,  as young lesbians and their co-conspirators started rejecting the word "gay" and replacing it with "queer" or "LGBT", that I'd rather be called a cocksucker than a queer.  This also made me realize that gay men probably have more in common with Monica Lewinsky than we do with some lesbian feminists.

4. Michael Sam's KISS surprised and pleased me with all the same force as the first gay wedding, with the same force as the first Lewinsky for the historical record.

Young people dream up and do the damnedest things! 

Thank you Jack, Mike, Monica and Michael Sam!  

You have made the world a better place for this old ____________ (choose your noun).

May 19, 2014
I'd say queen myself.