Monday, May 18, 2015

Link to NY Times article on 1970s gay marriage stuff

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 Link to NY Times article on 1970s gay marriage stuff

 Pencil Sketch of Jack Baker and Mike McConnell by Tim Campbell 
 (from photo by Angela Jimenez in NY Times May 26, 2015).

Link to wiki on: Everything not forbidden is presumed permitted since English common law times:

Black Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition 1979 defines "lawful":

To say of an act that it is "lawful" implies that it is autorized, sanctioned, or at any rate not forbidden, by law.
(p. 797, Fifth Edition, 1979)

Pencil sketch by Tim Campbell of
Baker and McConnell

Second pencil sketch by Tim Campbell
Baker and McConnell from photo by Angel Jimenez in NY Times 5-26-15