Posted May 16, 2013
When Tim Campbell heard people were demonstrating outside the National Rifle Association's 142 Annual Convention in Houston May 5, 2013, he whipped up the sign below and joined the demo.
"As I see it, too many pseudo-mach, white American males (the NRA John Waynes) are spending megabucks, decadent tons of money on hobby hunting, hobby shooting and on fortifying their turf against imagined armed invasion. Then they spend megabucks more on salaries for high-profile athletes who pretend to be engaging in strength, skill and survival activities in sports coliseums all around the country. They subsititute watching and yelling for football, basketball and baseball yet rarely go to real wars. Meanwhile, the planet is burning up with global warming. They remind me of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. Visualize all that macho money going to fight starvation and to harness clean energy. Visualize that. NRA wake up! Wake up." (Maybe no one should be allowed a gun who hasn't done front line duty.)
NRA John Waynes--Grow Up! Use your megabucks wisely!
Global warming will kill you more surely than any damned firearms.
Lady reading names of persons shot to death since Sandy Hook Connecticut. Campbell. Ira Demper. (In front of modern art which rains around downtown Houston. May 5, 2013 outside Convention