Saturday, May 12, 2012

First Gay Marriage application May 18, 1970

This country's first legally-sanctioned same-sex marriage. At the time, Baker was president of the Minnesota Student Association at the University of Minnesota.
A personal friend of the pair announced that "they had a valid marriage license issued by the Clerk of District Court." It was signed by the Rev. Roger Lynn, a Methodist minister and returned to Blue Earth county, Minnesota (U.S.A.).
Baker and McConnell were wearing matching two-piece white knit tunic suits custom designed by Steve VanSlooten for the historic wedding. Rings were custom designed and produced by Terry Vanderplas.
The couple asked that they be granted the courtesy of living the first week of their marriage without outside interference.
 Photo by Paul R. Hagen
Michael McConnell (l) and Jack Baker (r)
3 September 1971

Published by Jack Baker, Esq. | His home page 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama endorses gay marriage, MCLU defends it, Cowles Media owner publicised it fairly, Pulse Twin Cities article from 2004

President Obama endorses gay marriage

 President Barack Obama came out today, May 9, 2012 in support of gay marriage.  
That signals clearly  gays have won the culture war over this issue.  The rest will be small potatoes. 
Great thanks are due to Minnesotans Jack Baker and Mike McConnell, the Grooms-Zero in the contemporary (Twentieth Century) drive for gay marriage in the USA and perhaps world-wide. News of their marriage circled the globe May 18, 1970.
Thanks, Jack and Mike.  Bravissimo!

Note that in spite of endorsing the right of gays to marry theoretically, Obama also is OK with leaving marriage questions up to the states.  Considering his mom is white and his dad black, Barack's opinion on that remains a conundrum

MCLU litigations for gays and lesbians

The group's director claims it was the first established non-gay group to champion gay marriage, before even ACLU
By Tim Campbell
Former Publisher GLC Voice newspaper, Minneapolis (1979-1992)

Matthew  Stark who served the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union as President then Executive Director from 1967 thru 1988 boasts  that MCLU backed Jack Baker and Mike McConnell's right to  marry at a time when ACLU national refused to do so.  Jack Baker backs up Stark's claim.  

Litigation related to the Baker-McConnell marriage dragged on for decades.  MCLU supported many lawsuits in the early 1970s.  In later decades the group declined to do so.  By that time, the group had changed its name to ACLU Minnesota.  Phil Willkie who now sits on that board says the national group started holding tighter reigns on the state groups after the name was changed.

Below is a summary of the early litigation about gay marriage supported by the MCLU.  Below that is a note on support for gay rights from Cowles Media.

Early litigation over Jack and Mike's  marriage application supported by MCLU

Between 1970 and 1993, the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union supported or litigated sixteen or more controversies involving gay or lesbian clients.  Each of those cases involved important civil rights such as the right to serve in the military, the right to be a Big Brother or Sister, the right to employment without discrimination, and sodomy laws. One of those cases involved someone in the military who had a sex change.

In this blog entry, we want to summarize four disputes supported by MCLU which are directly related to marriage equality for gays and lesbians.  Three of those cases involve Jack Baker and Mike McConnell.  The other involves Karen Thompson and her partner Sharon Kowalsky.  Those four cases include:

Baker v Nelson (Hennepin County)over a marriage license.
McConnell v Board of Regents (University of Minnesota) over Mike's employment.
Baker v Minnesota Board of Law Examiners over Jack's law license.
Thompson v Kowalsky's Parents over guardianship of an incapacitated partner.

1.  Baker v Nelson, 1971-1972 was filed against Hennepin County which refused to grant Jack Baker and Mike McConnell a marriage license.  They applied for that license May 18, 1970 with members of the media in tow.  This issue was litigated all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court.  The 8th Circuit US Court first affirmed it.  That appellate court then denied the license.  The 8th Circuit of appeals includes MN, ND, SD, IA, NE, Mo and AK.  Not exactly the most urban states in the U.S. And finally, the US Supreme Court itself declined to review the 8th Circuit's Appelate decision.

2.  McConnell v Board of Regents 1970-1972 against the University of Minnesota which appointed J. Michael McConnell to a library position by letter in April 1970 but then reneged on that letter after McConnell and Baker got a boat load of news coverage for applying for a marriage each other.  Both were competent for marriage in Minnesota.  Apparently the Regents objected to their choosing each other.   MCLU and ACLU litigated this matter unsuccessfully all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.  McConnell again won then lost in the 8th Circuit Court.  Once again, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The firebrand Regents at the U of MN  claimed McConnell as an employee risked making it look like the U of M approved of gay marriage which the Regents found repugnant.  Baker and McConnell are still trying to negotiate an apology for that insult out of the Regents.

3.  Baker v Minnesota Board of Law Examiners, 1972.  Because of his marriage to Mike, this board called Jack Baker in for a hearing about the "moral qualifications" it deemed necessary to be a lawyer.  Ultimately, this board did not reject Baker's application for a law license.  MCLU represented Baker at this hearing.

4.  Thompson v Kowalsky's Parents, 1983-1991.  In these proceedings before various governmental bodies, Karen Thompson fought for the right to visit and care for her partner Sharon Kowalsky who had been severely injured in an automobile accident in 1983 and rendered incapable or nearly incapable of speaking for herself.  Kowalsky's parents did not want Karen to even visit Sharon.  Thompson was finally declared Sharon's guardian in 1991 by a panel of  "judges" who decided Karen and Sharon constituted a "family of affinity."  Unfortunately, Kowalsky's parents had to get too old and feeble to care for Sharon themselves before those government professionals became so wise.  MCLU volunteer attorneys from the law firm Faegre and Benson (Minneapolis) and MNGALLA (Minnesota Gay and Lesbian Legal Assistance) provided legal support at all these hearings.  

The GLC Voice newspaper in Minneapolis, which was published by the author of this blog, first told the world about Sharon Kowalsky and Karen Thompson May 19, 1986 in an article researched and written by Julie Miller headlined "Why cant Sharon come home???"  Top of page one!

MCLU better than the Civil Rights Departments in the Twin Cities

Between 1970 and 1998 when I left Minneapolis, MCLU championed more cases of discrimination against gays and lesbians than the Civil Rights Departments of both Minneapolis and Saint Paul.  Nonetheless, both cities claimed to lead the nation in passing ordinances barring discrimination against lesbians and gays.
Unfortunately, both cities excluded gays from coverage in anything but employment and housing. Subsequently, those civil rights departments did nothing for us.  They did not even take any cases dealing  with employment and housing.  So much for "half a loaf" compromises on people's rights!

About Cowles Media coverage of the marriage and about "visionary" owner John Cowles Jr.

John Cowles, Jr., the owner of Cowles Media which published the Minneapolis Star and Tribune, died this month and will be buried Friday, May 18 in the Twin Cities.  Oddly, that's the forty-second anniversary of Jack Baker and Mike McConnell's application for a marriage license.demand for gay marriage. Cowles obituary asks people to send memorials to the MCLU calling it by its earlier name. That obituary also calls him a "visionary."

Reflecting on that, wondering what Cowles' "visions" included, I found it easy to imagine that acceptance of gay rights and gay marriage was an important part of the package. I believe that because from the very beginning, May 18, 1970 coverage of the fight for gay marriage in Cowles' Minneapolis Star and Tribune was ahead of the pack in its acceptance of the idea.  Very shortly after the gay marriage, another Cowles publication, LOOK magazine, presented gay marriage as positively Rockwellesque.  In short, Cowles publications nurtured the idea of gay marriage from its conception.

Cowles publications were also, I think, the first publications to start using "gay" and "lesbian" instead of "homosexual." in news reports and editorials about us.  That was in part because, in about 1974,  Jack Baker and I met with reporters and editors at the Star and Tribune  to request this style sheet change.  They made that change.  Thanks. 

 (Note that at that time we also asked the NY Times, Newsweek, the Washington Post and a few other publications to make that style sheet change.  We had no success elsewhere.  I don't think the NY Times has come around to this day.  Dear Abby made the change in her column in 1975 when I asked her to do so while sharing a cab in San Francisco.)

This editor is hoping Cowles biographer will enlighten us one day on this publishers "visions."  While waiting, I'll prefer to think he may have been our best friend back in the early 1970s

(Note:  Matthew Stark denies any knowledge of Cowles being a big supporter of MCLU during his time there.  In summaries of some litigation, Stark gives financial information in detail.  On the Baker and McConnell stuff, Stark provides no financial information.)

The folllowing is a previously published story about the Baker-McConnell marriage.
Pulse Twin Cities April 8, 2004
How gay marriage got divorced from gay rights
by Tim Campbell

The early years
Jack Baker and Mike McConnell applied for a marriage license on May 18, 1970 in Minneapolis. That is the first known gay marriage license application. The Clerk of District Court for Hennepin County summarily refused to issue them a license. Subsequently, Baker and McConnell went to Blue Earth County in southwestern Minnesota and got a license on August 16, 1971, from a different clerk. They were married on September 3 using that license. The Rev. Roger Lynn, a United Methodist minister, performed the ceremony.

That gay marriage required a little legal detour. In early August 1971, Baker changed his name to Pat Lyn McConnell. Consequently, the names on the license are Pat Lyn McConnell (aka Jack Baker) and J. Michael McConnell. They wanted the same last name in case they acquired children.

Baker was in law school at the University of Minnesota. McConnell had just been nominated as an instructor and chief cataloguer at the university library on the St. Paul Campus. In the wake of monumental news coverage over this controversy, the students at the University of Minnesota elected Baker student body president. The University Board of Regents, on the other hand, reacted by withdrawing McConnell’s nomination as a library head and university instructor.

During this media onslaught, Jack and Mike received four large boxes of mail from all over the world. I have met people who saw articles about the event in newspapers in both Paris and Athens. Most of the mail was supportive.

Moreover, Jack’s victory at the student polls was probably the first instance of a vote by the general, non-gay public, on attitudes towards gays. That vote made one thing clear: the time had come for gay rights.

The Baker-McConnell dispute also produced a wave of copycat gay marriages throughout the country. I was a graduate student at the University of Texas in Austin at the time. There, I was invited to at least five gay marriages. One drag queen even asked me to marry her. Worse yet, I accepted. Fortunately, we both forgot about it when we sobered up.

Tell the whole truth. The bulk of that rash of gay weddings involved drag queens with butch-looking lovers. They were, however, performed by ministers. Most of them did not last longer than a good underarm deodorant. None of them, to my knowledge, involved real marriage licenses.

Gay marriage was not exactly a brand new idea, even back in 1970. Jean Genet described one in a novel in 1943 and John Rechy did so in 1963.There were big differences, however. The Baker-McConnell wedding involved same-sex appearance. It was intended to produce social stability like a straight marriage. By contrast, the Genet and Rechy gay weddings were staged to look like opposite-sex marriages and designed to scoff at society. They were not intended to produce social stability.

Baker and McConnell are still together to this day. In fact, they have been together a total of 38 years now, 34 of those married. Sure beats Britney Spears’ marriage record! Also beats the records of Zaza Gabor and Liz Taylor.

Decades of lawsuits
Baker and McConnell ended up in decades of legal haggling because of their marriage. The Minnesota Supreme Court upheld the clerk who denied them a license. Its decision cited the Book of Genesis. Jack and Mike appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. There, Warren Burger and cohorts dismissed their appeal for lack of a “substantial federal question.” How would they rule today? Who knows. President George W. Bush certainly wants to turn gay marriage into a substantial federal issue now.

Baker, now a lawyer, argues their marriage was and remains valid since there were no laws or court decisions prohibiting same sex marriages on September 3, 1971. He notes: “Every court recognizes this basic principle: that which is not prohibited is permitted.” The Minnesota marriage statute actually has a section listing non-valid marriages. Same-sex marriage is not on that list. Baker argues their marriage is in fact more solid legally than the recent ones in San Francisco. Those marriages were performed after laws against same-sex marriages were passed.

Jack and Mike Had a Dream

Legal considerations aside, Jack and Mike’s genius was to perceive long before most, that the right to marry is an essential part of gay civil rights. Their point is: the fundamental right for gays and lesbians is the right to fall in love with and marry the person of one’s choice. Without that right, there is no such thing as gay rights. “It’s nonsense,” said Jack long ago, “to find two people (both competent to marry) incompetent because they chose each other.”

Many gay marriage activists say the right to choose your own spouse is probably the most characteristic social right of modern western democracies. Such a right was unheard of in ancient China. It’s a right rarely granted in the “oily-garchies” of the Middle East. Many contemporary Jews are still loath to marry outside their religion. Back in the `50s, Catholic parents hoped that none of their kids would marry outside their Church. Unthinkable was marrying outside one’s own race. But times changed. Times change because young people dare to love outside the box. They always have. They probably always will.

Early Legislation

While the news of the fight over gay marriage and McConnell’s job denial were fresh in the minds of the public and elected officials, Baker went to the Minneapolis City Council looking to include gays and lesbians in the city’s civil rights ordinance. Council Member Ed Felien, now editor of Pulse of the Twin Cities, took on the task and authored such a bill. It was passed unanimously in 1974 amid virtual silence on the council. Felien said recently, “They (the city council members) were afraid to say anything against it.” This put Minneapolis on the map as the leader in gay civil rights legislation.

Enter the Democrats

Minneapolis and Saint Paul also beat the rest of the country to the idea of separating the right to marry from the rest of gay civil rights. This was in direct response to Baker and McConnell’s marriage.

The anti-marriage contingent included, among others, Alan Spear, a gay history professor who represented the University of Minnesota neighborhood as a State Senator. Spear tiptoed out of the closet to a small circle of friends once Baker got elected student body president. He proposed to author a gay rights bill on the state level. Senate Majority Leader Nick Coleman Sr. agreed to help. Spear and Coleman were both career Democrats.

Coleman’s motive was that he was married to Debbie Howell who had a gay brother. I suspect Howell’s brother came out to them after Jack got elected student body president. That made me and hundreds of others come out. Howell herself was a wig at Minnesota’s main daily newspapers. In 1975, she wrote Alan Spear’s going public interview for the Minneapolis Star newspaper. Minnesota being a small pond, this trio constituted a power block.

Sex, Drugs and Secret Parties (I mean fundraisers)

Spear and Coleman hired a part time lobbyist named Steve Endean to shepherd these gay rights bill through the state senate. There were a number of hearings and amendments before all the ordinances finally settled in. Endean was a piece of work. He was in his early 20’s, a college dropout, and stood only about 5 feet, 6 or 7 inches tall in a chubby frame. Everybody called him “Weebee.”

By day Endean lobbied at city halls and on Capitol Hill. By night he checked coats at popular gay discos—first at Sutton’s which has since folded, then at the Gay `90s which is still the biggest gay bar between Chicago and San Francisco. After bars closed, “Weebee” almost literally lived in the local gay bathhouses.

With all this gay contact, Endean got to know both the important closet gays and the hottest young gay guys. He was great at organizing private parties, hand picking guests from both groups. Some of the more outrageous called it “pimping.” Those parties rivaled the ones in Larry Kramer’s novel, “Faggots: Drugs, sex and rock and roll.” This was how gay money began to flow into the hands of Democrats back then.

Drag queens and the Baker-McConnell crowd were not invited to these secret, late-hour fundraiser parties. Baker and McConnell didn’t notice or mind being left out of the parties, but the drag queens did. Eventually, they went to the State Legislature en masse, in drag, to demand inclusion in the gay rights bill. What’s more, the drag queens won.

Gay marriage, on the other hand, was never included in Minnesota’s gay rights legislation. Sadly, the Spear-Coleman-Howell laws were carefully crafted to exclude the “crazies.” That meant the drag queens and radicals like Baker and McConnell who wanted gay marriage. The laws also left the University of Minnesota exempt from all these pieces of legislation.

Enter Half-Measures

The civil rights laws in Minnesota, scripted in the 1960s, had four parts: employment, housing, public services and public accommodations. The Spear-Coleman-Howell laws added gays and lesbians to those sections of said laws that dealt with employment and housing only. They did not add them to the sections of the same laws that dealt with public services and public accommodations.

Previously, public services and public accommodations referred to places like hotels, restaurants and barbershops. Nobody could decide exactly where marriage licensing fell. Was it a public service? Was it a public accommodation? They didn’t know.

Nonetheless, they were sure they weren’t going to push gay marriage and drag queens on anybody. Whenever the proposed legislation had a setback, Spear and Endean would cuss the “crazies,” that is, Baker-McConnell and the drag queens. They hardly worried about the wild parties. Note, however, that everybody agreed, even back then, that full gay rights would include gay marriage.

The Spear-Coleman-Howell triumvirate got gay rights laws introduced at the state capitol pretty soon after the Minneapolis and St. Paul ordinances were passed. Still, it just sat there. It never got out of committee and never came up for a vote in the whole house and senate. A public discussion of gay rights was not happening. Spear excused himself saying: “I don’t want to get some legislators in the habit of voting against gay rights.” Unfortunately, no one had to fight very hard for the bill either. The State of Minnesota did not pass a gay rights law until much later: 1993. Rural Minnesota dragged its feet.

Half-measures exported to Washington, D.C.

In about 1976, Spear and friends let the Minnesota legislation lie fallow and sent Endean off to Washington, D.C., to work with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. He eventually founded the Human Rights Campaign. He figured even closeted gays would write checks to a group so broadly named. “Weebee” eventually died from AIDS but the groups he influenced have been resisting gay marriage ever since the `70s. They consider their compromise wise like Solomon. Democrats around the country have adopted the same “pragmatic” approach.

For example, Barney Frank, the openly gay Democrat from Massachusetts who sits in the U.S. House of Representatives, is currently notorious for his criticism of the gay marriages now occurring in San Francisco. Ironically, his constituents keep electing him even though he rented an apartment downstairs of his own dwelling to a well-known gay prostitute. Naturally, Frank claims he didn’t know. Clinton’s not the only dumb Democrat.

Supporters of gay marriage, on the other hand, consider this opposition a fungus growing under the nails of Democrats. While this may make easier work for politicians, gay marriage supporters insist it’s not very practical for their goals.

Alan Spear has now retired from the Minnesota Senate and lives with his longtime partner, Jun, a Japanese immigrant, in central Minneapolis. He reports that he and Jun have not yet gone anywhere to get a license or a civil union. “We’ve thought about it, but done nothing. Just laziness, I guess,” he said recently. Then, he added, “We don’t really need it.” At least Spear has been consistent!


The half-measure maneuvers of these Democrats did not reap many benefits for gays and lesbians in Minnesota. In the intervening years, practically no gays and lesbians have filed complaints with any civil rights departments anywhere. Someone in a position analogous to Mike McConnell, can’t even file a complaint under the ordinance because the University of Minnesota is exempt.

The bottom line is: More gays and lesbians have applied for marriage licenses this year in San Francisco in one week than have filed discrimination complaints throughout the country since 1975. That suggests lots of gays think the right to marry is a very important right. One might call it a “substantial federal issue.”

(End of article published in 2004 by Pulse Twin Cities, Ed Felien Publisher)

Rebecca Rand Binger 2012



Pencil sketch by Tim Campbell  9" X 12".
From a photo taken while Rebecca was in Houston for a national board meeting of the American Civil Liberties Union.